Eight Steps to be The Best Version of you Today

Self Improvement Tips

#1 – Self Improvement – Tip 1: NOW TIME
‘Now’ is the only time you have got. So decide to live in the present. Even if you had your yesterdays and you may have your tomorrows, if you really look at your life, you always had and will always have only NOW. So decide to live in the Now today. This is a good start towards self improvement.

#2 – Self Improvement – Tip 2: SOUL CARE
Now then start your day with a time of gratefulness and find 10 things you are grateful about by giving yourself 10 complements that your best version carries you can improve your sense of self worth.

#3 – Self Improvement – Tip 3: BODY CARE
Go for a walk or do exercise for at least half an hour today, even a nice dance or just jumping and clapping hands. (Pretend you are in a party)
Take time to feel fresh and beautiful. Treat yourself with a good facial, haircare, full body oil massage and a nice hot water bath.

#4 – Self Improvement – Tip 4: AMBIENCE / MOOD ENHANCEMENT
Make sure that your room and home is looking beautiful just like you.
Today is a day to listen to nice music (that will not take you through a memory lane of sorrow!)
Have a nice fragrance of your choice. Smell, Visuals, Voices has power over your mind

# 5 Self Improvement – Tip 5: MIND TRAINING:
Forgive and let go of all those people who have illegally taken up your mind space. They don’t deserve your attention anymore.

Goal setting:

List your main goals for your life and the skills that you need to acquire
Decide on one skill that you will work on this week.
Give your best in your daily work and assigned tasks

# 6- Self Improvement – Tip 6: Character and Attitude Pruning:
Spend quality time with your family with no digital or work distractions
Tell at least two people how valuable they are to you
Do an act of kindness by following one simple powerful principle – do to others what you want others to do to you.

# 7Self Improvement – Tip 7: Perspective – Fine tuning:
Allow yourself the freedom to not expect too much in return from others
Give space for others to make errors knowing that you too miss the mark

More Dopamine : Togetherness
Eat at least one meal together with family around the dining table.
Share stories or encourage the elder to share a story
Laugh and enjoy every moment of having those around you in your life

# 8:- Self Improvement – Tip 8: Dim the Day in Style
Thankful heart
Re visit the goals set and achieved
Set a goal for next day

Important add-ons :
Make sure that you eat healthy, drink water frequently, and get a good sleep of at least 6 hours
Keep your hands sanitized, wear mask, keep distance if you go out.

Self Help Tips

articlegoal settinglearnmotivationright attitudeself helpself improvement

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